Jen's Cakery - London Wedding Cakes

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Death star creme eggs and other eggy treats.

This Easter, I decided I really really NEEDED to make Creme Eggs. And if you are going to make a Creme Egg, why wouldn't you upgrade the design? I decided I had to make them in the shape of the Death Star, and couldn't rest until I'd managed it.

Death Star Creme Egg!

To make it, you just need a death star ice cube mold. You can find them on amazon for a few pounds. (They make excellent, enormous, ice cubes by the way!) 

I dusted the inside with Rolkem silver lustre, but you could skip that bit if you want it to look chocolatey. Then you need to coat each half with melted chocolate. I found the easiest way was to fill both halves with chocolate, then leave it for 10 mins or so, and pour it out. You need quite a thick layer so that it doesn't crack when you de-mold. Leave it for a good while to set in the fridge till it's really tough and then ease it out of the mould.

Then I filled with delicious creme egg gloop. I used this recipe:

Just spoon the white gloop into both halves, then add a bit of yellow in the centers. Then calmly and probably messily, join the two halves together. I used royal icing as glue.


I also made the traditional pimped eggs for the family - I tart up some basic easter eggs with modelling chocolate. This year we had: Roger Moore, a Porg, Frida Kahlo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and Hedwig.

Happy Easter!